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Love Magnetic Energy Activationr

Adora Aiza

Sometimes it isn't you. Stagnant energy loops can block you from romance.

Because we know that you deserve to love and to be loved in such a way that your world & the world around you shine brighter, we've tapped into ways to make your energy flow.  Now, to higher vibes we go!

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Energy Activation Music

Activation Music & Descripton

Get Activated!

Our Energy Shifting Services

Book Activation Link

Are you ready to increase your options for romance and to attract people who are in harmony with your soul's desires and life purpose?

Choose from 3 options that raise the frequency of your  magnetic energy field and strengthen your beacon of desire.

- 15 Minute Mini Confidence Ignitor For Item

- 30 Minute Mini Activation, Love Frequency Tweak

- 45 Minutes Soulmate & Life Purpose Assessment Reading

- 90 Minute Block Identifier, Love Frequency Lift & Activation

- 180 Minute  Block Remover, Love Energy Shifting & Quantum Activation

For an Energy Make-Over and Activation, schedule a call.

Want your Activation conducted face to face with The Queen Goddess of Energy. Ask about an  Energy Make-Over in your home/office, romantic love block removal,  release energy of your ex and an Activation of yourself as well as one mini activation for an item.  

Buy Love Resolutions Book

Strategies to Turn Heartbreak
Into Fulfilling Romance for the New Year

About Adora Aiza

They call her,
The Queen Goddess
of Energy

Get to Know

Adora Aiza, is a multifaceted energy alchemist and empowerment advocate.  Adora intertwines music, quantum mechanic principals, and timeless rituals to guide individuals toward power couple relationships aligned with their soul's desires and life purpose. Her work, through music, ceremony, and writing is known for being the catalyst that amplifies people’s magnetism, fosters meaningful connections, and cultivates a love that resonates with the core of one's being.

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